Biodiversity Net Gain

The Biodiversity Net Gain metric acknowledges proximity to the development area that is applying for units via a spatial risk multiplier. The further away from the Local Planning Authority (LPA) or the National Character Area (NCA) the more units will be required. Offsite units created within the same LPA or NPA area are worth 1:1. Every one unit purchased offsite will have a value of 1.

Offsite units purchased within the neighbouring LPA or NCA are worth 0.75 units. This is a 25% reduction when moving over into the neighbouring LPA or NCA. If 4 units are required then 5 units will be needed to mitigate the cost.

Offsite units purchased beyond the neighbouring LPAs or NCAs are worth 0.5 units. For every 1 offsite unit required then 2 will be needed to mitigate the cost.

Wildflower meadow

Local Planning Authorities and National Character Areas

Chalksole Farm occupies land within the East Kent Downs Landscape Character Area part of the eastern section of the Kent Downs National Landscape designated for its natural beauty and special character.

The land at Chalksole formerly supported a dairy farm based at Chalksole Farm, but in more recent years the farm has been given over to arable farming. One field supports one of the former dairy pastures, typified by an improvement grassland sward. Another, is also under permanent grassland and is taken as a hay crop. The remaining fields are currently under arable cropping. The SSSI woodland immediately adjacent to the site supports an ancient woodland community with ash and hazel being the common coppiced species with some field maple, hornbeam and sweet chestnut

under the pedunculate oak standards. Other trees and shrubs include wild cherry, birch, hawthorn, blackthorn and also wayfaring-tree and dogwood on the calcareous soils. There is some dense hawthorn scrub in places.

The hedgerows on the land support breeding yellowhammer which is a common breeding species in the surrounding countryside along with linnet, whitethroat and skylark. Grey partridge are occasionally observed on the grasslands adjacent and barn owl is present within the valley. The woodlands adjacent to the land support a wide range of breeding birds including nuthatch, treecreeper, bullfinch, greater spotted woodpecker and marsh tit.

Natural habitat

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Young tree plantation