BNG Units For Sale in Kent: Biodiversity and Habitat Solutions Limited
Creating and maintaining wildflower meadows, hedgerows and woodlands for over 15 years
About Us
Biodiversity and Habitat Solutions Limited, a part of the J N Gardening Limited Group, has been creating and maintaining wildflower meadows, hedgerows, and woodlands for over 15 years. Our extensive knowledge and experience have enabled us to develop Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Units in Kent, tailored to support the housebuilding and construction sector's demand for off-site BNG solutions.
Discover how our biodiversity net gain services can benefit your property development project.
Prime Location for BNG Units
Our Biodiversity project is strategically located within the North Downs NCA, adjacent to several Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) such as Canterbury, Ashford, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Croydon, Dartford, Guildford, and Reigate. It also borders key areas like North Kent Plain, Thames Basin Lowlands, Hampshire Downs, Wealden Greensand, and Thames Basin Heaths.
Discover how our biodiversity net gain services can benefit your development project.
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Benefits of Our BNG Units
Wildlife Conservation: Our habitat enhancements create ideal environments for turtle doves, whose population has declined by 98% since the 1970s. By planting new broad-leaved woodlands, we are connecting significant SSSI woods, providing a vital food source, and allowing wildlife to move safely between areas.
Dormouse Habitats: We've planted species-rich hedgerows to support the movement and spread of dormice, a European Protected Species. Our efforts contribute to reversing the dormouse population decline, offering them mature, species-rich hedgerows.
Diverse Ecosystems: Our BNG units are established on fields previously used for cattle grazing and intensive arable farming. We are transforming this land by planting 50,000 m² of broadleaved woodland, 60,000 m² of mixed scrub, 1 km of individual trees, 4 high-priority habitat ponds, 24 hectares of neutral grassland and lowland calcareous grassland, and 3 km of species-rich hedgerow.
See how we can help you meet biodiversity net gain requirements.
View our BNG Units
Why Choose Us?
Proven Expertise: Over 15 years of experience in creating and maintaining biodiversity-rich environments.
- Strategic Location: Proximity to multiple LPAs ensures ease of integration into development projects in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.
- Sustainable Solutions: Our BNG units contribute to significant conservation efforts and biodiversity enhancement.
Interested in our BNG units?
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The population of the dormouse has declined by 70% since 2000
By planting a new broad leaved woodland we will be connecting two significant SSSI woods via a 2 hectare corridor. This new passage will provide a food source and allow wildlife to move safely between the areas.
To further assist with the movement and spread of Dormouse, which is a European Protected Species, we have planted species rich hedgerows. The population of dormouse has declined by 70% since 2000 and have been lost from 20 English counties since the Victorian era. Dormouse reside in mature species rich hedgerows which is what we have on offer with our BNG units. The rich hedgerows that we have planted join all areas of the farmland which will encourage the dormouse to spread throughout the Biodiversity Project.
Make your development eco-friendly. Request a consultation with our team!
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Wildlife within our units
Our Biodiversity Net Gain units are being created on fields which have previously been used for cattle grazing and intensive arable farming. After more than 100 years of constant farming, we are going to allow the land to rest whilst encouraging and promoting wildlife. We are going to plant 50,000 Metres Squared of broadleaved woodland, 60,000 metres squared of mixed scrub, 1 Kilometre of individual trees, 4 high priority habitat ponds, 24 hectares of neutral grassland and lowland calcareous grassland along with 3 kilometres of species rich hedgerow.
Our Biodiversity project is situated within the North Downs NCAand is adjacent to many LPAs such as Canterbury, Ashford, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Croydon, Dartford, Guildford, Reigate. It is also neighbouring North Kent

Chalksole Farm
Chalksole Farm occupies land within the East Kent Downs Landscape Character Area part of the eastern section of the Kent Downs National Landscape designated for its natural beauty and special character.
The land at Chalksole formerly supported a dairy farm based at Chalksole Farm, but in more recent years the farm has been given over to arable farming. One field supports one of the former dairy pastures, typified by an improvement grassland sward. Another, is also under permanent grassland and is taken as a hay crop. The remaining fields are currently under arable cropping.
The SSSI woodland immediately adjacent to the site supports an ancient woodland community with ash and hazel being the common coppiced species with some field maple, hornbeam and sweet chestnut under the pedunculate oak standards. Other trees and shrubs include wild cherry, birch, hawthorn, blackthorn and also wayfaring-tree and dogwood on the calcareous soils. There is some dense hawthorn scrub in places.

Off-site BNG units for sale and cross boundary incentives.
We are the landowner, habitat creator and fully manage the off-site BNG units with a S106 agreement secured. We are able to offer anything from 0.25 units to 350 units.
Medium Distinctiveness
Units available: 131
Unit Price: POA
Very High Distinctiveness
Units available: 30
Unit Price: POA
Medium Distinctiveness
Units available: 10
Unit Price: POA
Medium Distinctiveness
Units available: 26
Unit Price: POA
High Distinctiveness
Units available: 0.12
Unit Price: POA
High Distinctiveness
Units available: 6
Unit Price: POA
Medium Distinctiveness
Units available: 37
Unit Price: POA
High Distinctiveness
Units available: 27
Unit Price: POA
High Distinctiveness
Units available: 25.5
Unit Price: POA
Download Brochure and Pricing
Interested in our BNG units? Request a PDF copy of our brochure with detailed pricing today!
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